Saturday, April 25, 2009

Gifted and Talented

Definition: A gifted or talented student is one that has high achievement capability in intellectuality, creativity, or leadership. They may be exceptional in other specific areas, but need more services than provided in the regular classroom to reach their full potential. A gifted student posses many different qualities such as having a good memory, quick learner, motivated, involved in many things, independent, and self-motivated. Indicators for giftedness or talented may start at a very young age. Therefore, a parent may be able to watch for these and begin challenging right away. Some of these might include walking and talking early, long attention spans, or being very intuitive. Students that are gifted need to be accepted as individuals and not placed into a group. They may need help dealing with frustration and need extra emotional support and acceptance. Gifted and talented students have many great qualities, but do have some challenges. They are considerably hard on themselves and others, impatient, strong-willed, and be more prone to depression and being “bossy.” For this reason, gifted students are just like any other child and need help with emotional support. They may need extra help making friends or dealing with things such as life changes and trauma.

Implications: I would like to teach first, second, or third grade. At this age, I feel I would need to be more involved with assessing whether a child is gifted or not. Once we give a student the term “gifted,” I would get the student an IEP. Of course, this student would get as much inclusion time as possible. This would not cause much problems at all. However, I would need to make sure that this student is challenged. By doing this, I would have to give them harder assignments, different spelling words, and more difficult projects. It would be very important for me to challenge all of my students, but I would need to make each student, whether challenged or gifted, work at their full potential. I would still incorporate different games and activities into the lesson. These students are like any child and may get bored or burnt out on school.

Specific Technology:

PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Access: These different software can help any student gain more knowledge in technology, math skills, research skills, and social skills.

SMART Board: This interactive board is a great way to challenge any student by interacting them with the material.

Computers/Laptops: Can be used to research, write papers, create presentations, ect.

DVD/Videos: A great way to show students a new concept or use as a field trip.

Annotated Bibliography:

Danielian, J. (2008). National Association for Gifted Children. Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved April 25, 2009 from

This association put together some very useful information about students that are gifted. It was set in question/answer form and gave an excellent definition.

Instructional TV. (2001). Teachers First. How To Spot a Gifted Student. Retrieved April 25, 2009 from

This website offered excellent information about how to assess whether a student is gifted or not. It was really interesting to learn what signs a gifted student might posses.

Ragsdell, V. (2007) Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted. The Problem of Loneliness: Finding Friends and Fitting In When You Are Gifted. Retrieved April 25, 2009 from

This website contained many different articles and publications about how gifted children are just like any other child. This particular article discussed how to get students to gain friendship.

Saylor, M. (2009). Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented. Parent Resources- What is Giftedness? Retrieved April 25, 2009 from

Although this site was for Texas educators, it was very helpful for defining giftedness. It had information on different indicators, characteristics, demands, and challenges of a gifted student.

Smart Technologies ULC. (2009). SMART. SMART Board Interactive White Board. Retrieved April 25, 2009 from

This company makes all kinds of useful technology for the classroom. This is a great way to interact all kinds of students, especially gifted and talented.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Deaf Blindness

Definition: Deaf-blindness is a condition in which an individual experiences difficulty in both hearing and vision. They do not have to have a total inability to hear or see. According to IDEA, it can cause severe communication, developmental, and educational problems. This cannot be accommodated by special education programs for children that are just deaf or just blind. A person that is deaf-blind, their world is significantly more narrow than a person with full vision and hearing. A person with deaf-blindness must rely on touching and feeling to experience the world. There are many different terms used to describe deaf-blindness; dual sensory impairment, combined vision and hearing loss, dual sensory loss, and dual sensory disability. There are many different challenges for a deaf-blind individual. They must rely on another individual at times, learn not only to communicate, but different methods, learn to navigate, find new methods of socializing and living, and degrading attitudes from other people. Deaf-blindness is caused by many different things. It can have hereditary/chromosomal causes such as Usher, Charge, or Down syndrome. Premature birth, prenatal or congenital complications, or meningitis could also cause deaf-blindness.

Implications: I plan on teaching somewhere in the lower grades. I would prefer first, second, or third grade. At such a young age, this condition may be a bit more difficult. They would probably just be figuring out some things that we take for granted. I think that this condition would be very difficult to incorporate in the regular classroom. I do think inclusion is very important. However, if I cannot allow myself enough time to help this child, that would not be fair. I would first do all the research I could on how best to educate him/her. Then I would make sure we got an IEP for them and began to do all the necessary steps including getting the technology and related services. It would be hard, but I would have to try to put myself in his/her place to educate them.

Specific Technology:

TTD: device that is used to communicate over the phone; the modem converts digital data from the computer into audio tones. They are then transferred through the phone line
TTY: a term used interchangeable with TTD
FSTTY: device similar to TTD and TTY, but the information is turned into Braille

Annotated Bibliography:

Deaf Blind Children’s Fund. (2009). Deaf Blind. About Deaf Blindness. Retrieved April 15, 2009 from

This website described briefly what deaf blindness is. The bulk of the article was about how a child with deaf blindness sees the world. It uses several examples of how their life is different.

Deaf Blind Info. (2009). About Deaf Blindness. Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved April 15, 2009 from

This organization set up a question and answer form about deaf blindness. It covered topics from the definition to how they communicate or get around.

Miles, B. (1999). National Consortium on Deaf-Blindness. What is Deaf-Blindness?. Retrieved April 15, 2009 from

This website gave a short explanation of what deaf blindness is. It described what they can do and how they can be affected educationally.

Preisler, G. (1996). A-Z to Deafblindness. The Development of Deaf Blind Children. Retrieved April 15, 2009 from

This author wrote about a study that she conducted. She reviewed the interaction of deaf-blind children and their parents. She gave different scenarios of how attentive the children can be.

Taylor, A. (2006). Krown Manufacturing. Deaf-Blind Communication Devices. Retrieved April 15, 2009 from

This author wrote a great article on the different devices that deaf-blind people can use for communication. She gave examples of the devices and how they can be used.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spina Bifida

Definition: Spina bifida (“split spine”) is a neural tube defect that is caused by incomplete development of the brain or spinal cord. Spina bifida is caused by the spine not fully closing in the first month of pregnancy. This can sometimes create an open lesion that has caused damaged nerves or spinal cord. This hole can be repaired but nerve damage is permanent so paralysis may occur. This is the most common birth defect that causes permanent disability. One out of every 1,000 births is affected by spina bifida. There are three types of spina bifida; occulta, meningocele, and myelomeningocele. Occulta is sometimes called hidden spina bifida because there is no opening in the back and the spinal cord and nerves are intact. The problem occurs because there may be a defect or opening in the vertebra. Sometimes this may not cause any problems at all. They may never even know they have spina bifida unless an x-ray is taken. However, some people experience bowel problems, back and leg problems, or brain deficits. Meningocele is the rarest type of spina bifida. It is caused by the bones not closing around the spinal cord. This causes the meninges to push through creating a sac filled with fluid. The spinal cord and nerves are rarely affected and this can usually be cured by surgery. Myelomeningocele is the most common and most severe type of spina bifida. In this type, a part of the spinal cord actually protrudes through the back. The type of neurological problems depends on the location of protrusion. It may be only small bowel problems up to total paralysis of both legs. The most common cause of spina bifida is a deficiency of folic acid during pregnancy. Some research has shown that genetics may play a part. The only treatment for spina bifida is surgery and it is never fully cured. Some problems that may also occur with spina bifida are hydrocephalus, Chiari II malformation, tethered spinal cord, urinary tract disorders, latex allergies, learning disabilities, obesity, digestive tract disorders, and psychological and sexual issues.

Implications: Teaching a student with spina bifida may require absolutely no changes. If they experience no problems as with occulta, they will require no special assistance. However, if they have medical problems such as paralysis or bowel problems, I will discuss with the family and a health professional as to what I need to watch for and how to care for my student throughout the day. As for the rest of the class, I would ask the parents if they would like to come in and discuss spina bifida with them. I feel that if the students understand it more, they will be more likely to accept the differences. If the student experiences neurological deficits, I would deal with them as they came along. My opinion is that a child should be included in the regular classroom as much as possible. If this begins to cause problems for them, I would send them to a resource room. However, in my regular classroom, I would try to have a paraprofessional to assist my student. I would work with my student to see what they have problems with and adapt my lesson plans for their benefit. If the spina bifida caused a learning disability, I would treat them as if they were no different from any other student with a learning disability. I would adapt to their deficits and gain information on how to better educate them.

Specific Technology:

Surgical shunt: A valve inserted to make cerebrospinal fluid go into the bloodstream instead of the brain

CIC: (clean intermittent catheterization) method used for problems with bladder and urinary incontinence

Assistive Technology: wheelchairs, braces, crutches, ect.

Annotated Bibliography:

American Association of Neurological Surgeons. (September 2005). Neuro Surgery Today. Spina Bifida. Retrieved April 10, 2009 from

This website was created by a group of neurological surgeons. The information is about the definition, types, and prevention of spina bifida.

Health Scout Network. (2009). Health Encyclopedia. Spina Bifida. Retrieved April 10, 2009 from

This network put together a very information website on Spina Bifida. It consisted of the description, causes, symptoms, risk factors, and treatment.

Liptak, G. S. (June 2008). Spina Bifida Association. Spina Bifida. Retrieved April 10, 2009 from

This was a fact sheet from the Spina Bifida Association. It was in question/ answer form, but provided good information about the condition.

March of Dimes Foundation. (2009). Pregnancy & Newborn Health Education Center. Spina Bifida. Retrieved April 10, 2009 from

This foundation created a very helpful website for mothers. It describes spina bifida and how it affects children. It provided details about who might be at risk for spina bifida.

Office of Communications and Public Liaison. (December 2007). National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Spina Bifida. Retrieved April 10, 2009 from

This website provided in-depth information about spina bifida. It consisted of the definition, treatment, prognosis, and research.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Definition: Myopia is a condition that allows someone to see objects that are close clearly, but objects that are far are blurry. They may not have any trouble reading road signs or seeing a blackboard, but activities such as reading and sewing can be difficult. Myopia is caused by the eyeball being too long or the cornea is too curved. This causes the light entering the eye to focus correctly. The light focuses in front of the retina, rather than right on the surface. Symptoms can include squinting, fatigued from driving or such, headaches, eye strain, or blurry vision. Myopia is usually passed down from generations and gets worse with age. It can be caused by visual strain from things such as reading or using the computer. Myopia can be caused from someone having diabetes or from the beginning of a cataract. Myopia can be treated by contacts, eye glasses, laser surgery, or orthokeratology. Orthokeratology is the use of rigid contacts to reshape the cornea.

Implications: If I had a student that had myopia and wasn’t diagnosed, I would do everything I could to get it diagnosed and corrected. Once that happened, I would meet with that student and their parents to see what works best and how the student is affected. Because textbooks and paper assignments would not cause any problems, that would not be my focus. My focus would be put on the use of computers and distance things such as blackboards or overhead projectors. I would limit the on screen computer use because this can actually cause myopia and could actually make it worse. For activities that I may be writing on the board or using an overhead projector, I would make sure to write it up before hand to hand to this student. They should not miss out of any activities because of myopia.

Specific Technology:

Phoropter: instrument used to measure how your eyes focus light
Retinoscope: hand held instrument used to place light in your eye
Orthokeratology: use of rigid contacts to shape the cornea
PRK: removes piece of cornea to shape the cornea
LASIK: removes inner layers of cornea to shape it

Annotated Bibliography:

American Optometrist Association. (2009). Myopia (Nearsightedness). Retrieved April 2, 2009 from

This association provided good information about myopia and how it affects someone. It also explained in great detail how it can be treated and how it is diagnosed.

Erickson, M. (2008). Eye Conditions. Nearsightedness (Myopia). Retrieved April 2, 2009 from

This website provided basic information about myopia. It discussed the definition, causes, symptoms, and treatment.

Health Communities. (2008). Vision Channel. Myopia. Retrieved April 2, 2009 from

This website provided information about myopia. It had risk factors, treatment, and many different prevention methods.

Lee, J. (2009). All About Vision. Myopia (Nearsightedness). Retrieved April 2, 2009 from

This website was very informative on myopia. It had great information about what it is and a very interesting video on how light is focused in the eye.

Rehm, D. (2006). International Myopia Prevention Association. The Problem. Retrieved April 2, 2009 from

This website was produced by a group of people that believe myopia is not inherited and can be caused by the family eye doctor. They provided different reasons of why myopia can occur.