Friday, February 27, 2009

Behavioral Disorder

Definition: Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that affects a person’s ability to function and causes shifts in mood. The shifts in moods are not like everyone experiences, but severe emotional highs and lows. The person experiences extreme happiness, a normal mood, and extreme depression. These episodes are called manic episodes and depressive episodes. There are many different categories of bipolar disorder. The first, Bipolar I, consists of the presence or history of at least one manic episode. Bipolar II consists of a hypomanic and depressive episode. No manic episode has occurred at this point. Manic episode consists of an extreme “high” for at least one week. Some symptoms include high energy, very happy, little sleep needed, irritability, easily distracted, and spontaneous decisions. The next category is a mixed episode. This consists of both a manic and depressive episode every day for at least one week. A hypomanic disorder is like the manic episode except it is less severe, shorter in duration, and doesn’t affect everyday life as much. The major depressive disorder consists of symptoms such as extreme sadness, feelings of guilt, sleeping too much or not at all, low energy levels, decrease of appetite, chronic pain, and even thoughts of suicide. Bipolar disorder affects children differently. Kids may display changes of mood more rapidly or just have episodes of manic.

Implications: In order for me to work with an individual with bipolar disorder, it would be crucial for them to be diagnosed. Bipolar disorder is a very serious condition that needs treatment. As an educator, I would want to make sure that if the individual needed medication, the correct dose is given at all the right times. Also, I personally think that therapy is the best medicine. The individual may feel like they are alone and nobody understands them. If they have someone to talk to about it, they may have extra support. If their bipolar disorder is under control, this student would need no special attention or adjustments. However, if the student fell into a manic or depressive episode, it would be key for me to understand what they need. I would check to make sure their medication has been given and see if they need their therapist. Patience is the most important quality I could give to this individual. No matter what state they are in, whether manic or depressive, school is probably the least important thing on their mind. I would just have to sit down and explain to them the subject at hand. I think it would be helpful to display posters to show where they are in school and what they have achieved.

Specific Technology:
Electroconvulsive Therapy: This is a last resort when an individual does not respond to medication or therapy. An electrical shock is conducted to the brain and causes a short seizure to the brain.
Behavioral Therapy: Therapy can help an individual cope with negative thoughts or extreme happiness.

Annotated Bibliography:
Long, P. W. (2005). Bipolar Disorder. Internet Mental Health. Retrieved on February 27, 2009 from

This website presented basic information about bipolar disorder; the causes, prevalence, symptoms, ect. The most informative portion was the categories of bipolar. It provided information about each category and what they consist of.

Nazario, B. (August 27, 2008). Bipolar Disorder and Depression Symptoms. WebMD. Retrieved on February 27, 2009 from

This website offered information about the basics of bipolar disorder. It gave in-depth descriptions about the symptoms of the depressive episodes of bipolar disorder.

Science Writing, Press & Dissemination Branch. (2009). Bipolar Disorder. National Institute of Mental Health. Retrieved February 27, 2009 from

This institute presented information about bipolar disorder. It gave detailed in sight about the manic and depressive symptoms. It also provided information about ECT and how it can help people with bipolar disorder.

Sheslow, D. V. (January 2007). Bipolar Disorder. Teens Health. Retrieved February 27, 2009 from

This website provided information about children diagnosed with bipolar disorder. It affects children somewhat differently than adults and gave ideas of how children can cope with bipolar disorder.

Smith, M., Segal, J., and Segal, R. (2008). Bipolar Support and Self-Help. Help Guide. Retrieved on February 27, 2009 from

This website presented information about how individuals cope with bipolar disorder. It provided ways to keep the disorder under control and how to detect if your treatment is not working.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Specific Learning Disability: Dyslexia

Definition: Dyslexia is a specific reading disability that primarily interferes with a person’s ability to read, write, and spell. It is biological and affects the brain’s ability to transfer written images into language. Some characteristics include reversing numbers or letters, copying difficulties, memory deficits, disorganization of written work, lack of spatial relationships, difficulty with left and right, and lack of rhythm. There are three different types of dyslexia. The first, trauma dyslexia, is the least common type. It is caused by trauma or injury to the cerebral cortex, the portion of the brain that controls reading and writing. The second type is primary dyslexia. This is the most severe type and is a dysfunction of the cerebral cortex. It never changes and the individual is not likely to read above the fourth grade level. Primary dyslexia is passed down through family genes and is more common in boys. The last type, secondary dyslexia, is also more common in boys than girls. Unlike primary dyslexia, secondary dyslexia can usually go away with maturity. It is caused by hormonal development in early maturity. Children with dyslexia can have difficulty with different things. An individual with visual dyslexia has problems with reversing numbers and letters and writing sequences. They may also have problems with hearing words or letters. This is called auditory dyslexia. Also an individual with dyslexia can have difficulty with holding a pencil, called dysgraphia.

Implications: First of all, I would make sure that the particular student was correctly identified and tested. Then, the next step would be to make sure the student had an IEP. Because a student with dyslexia has no issues with intelligence, inclusion would be very important. It would be important for regular classroom teachers to make adjustments to teach a dyslexic student with peer students. Early treatment is vital to help a student adjust to dyslexia. For students that have trouble with auditory dyslexia, I would tape each lesson and have the student listen to as much as they needed. For students with visual dyslexia, I would have them work on writing letters over and over. A fun way to do this would be to use shaving cream on a table. That way, the student could use their fingers and I could help them. If they got a letter or word wrong, I could write it beside it and they could see the difference. I believe that reading to the child would help greatly, because they could see the words as I pronounce them. The most important way to teach a student with dyslexia is patience and creativity. I may not understand how the child sees letters or hears words, so I must listen to them and find new way to teach that lesson.

Specific Technology:
Tape Recorder: This could be used to tape each lesson for the student. They can listen to a lesson as many times as they need and I could help them understand what they are having trouble with.
Slingerland Method: This is a method of teaching that starts with the most basic form of reading and writing. It uses sight, sound, and feel to understand and comprehend letters and numbers and begins to build upon that.
Project READ: This is another method of teaching students to read using creativity. They use abstract concepts and turn them into concrete ideas.
Computer: A computer would be very useful to help students be able to write without having as many problems with reversing numbers or letters.
Spelling Software: This technology could help students work on spelling and reading by making it fun and easy.


Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2007). Dyslexia. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved February 19, 2009 from

Mayo Clinic provided an in-depth overview of dyslexia. It gave details about the definition and symptoms of dyslexia. I used this site mostly for the ideas it gave about treatment of dyslexia.

Greene, V. E. (2006). Project Read. Language Circle. Retrieved from February 19, 2009 from

The website of Project Read was very helpful. It presented information about the teaching method, Project Read. It is used for at-risk students and describes how these students best learn.

Perlstein, D. (2009). Dyslexia. Medicine Net. Retrieved February 19, 2009 from

This was a very informative website about dyslexia. Medicine Net gave details about what dyslexia is and provided information about the different types of dyslexia. There was information about treatments are out there and gave parents a place to find more about dyslexia.

Slingerland Institute For Literacy. (2009). Slingerland Method. Multisensory Learning Academy. Retrieved February 19, 2009 from

The Multisensory Learning Academy is a public charter school that offers the Slingerland Method. It is a new method of teaching dyslexia students how to cope with their disability and learn to read and write.

Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia. (1993). What is Dyslexia? Center for Dyslexia. Retrieved February 19, 2009 from http://dyslexia.

This website presented different forms of the definition of dyslexia. It gives different symptoms of dyslexia and gives an in-depth look into what a child with dyslexia might see.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mental Retardation

Definition: Mental retardation (also known as intellectual disability) is a significantly low intellectual ability, which affects at least two different activities of living. Mental retardation is not a disorder; it is merely a low functioning ability. There is not one level of mental retardation, and not one way to measure that level either. To assess that level, a developmental quotient, intellectual quotient, or level of support can be used. There are four levels of support used to asses a person; intermittent, limited, extensive, and persuasive. There are also four levels Mental Retardation. The first is mild, which has an IQ range of 52-69. The next, moderate, has an IQ range of 36-51. Severe, a range of 20-35, is third. Lastly, the worst type is profound, a range of 19 or below. Mental retardation is caused by many factors including environmental, genetic, and medical. These can occur before, during, or after birth, and the most common cause is the disruption of the brain growth. To be classified as mentally retarded, the onset must be before the age of 18.

Implications: I think the most important and absolutely necessary quality need to teach someone with mental retardation is patience. To teach a student with mental retardation, one basic skill will have to be broken down into small, simple steps. This can become very frustrating for a teacher because they may not understand why that student cannot get that skill. For example, if I were to work with a student of mental retardation on writing the letter “b,” I would start with holding the pencil. We may have to use tools to help hold the pencil. Next we would just draw on the paper. It would not have to be in any pattern, I would just want to the student to get a feel for it. Next, I would show the student how to write a “b” by example. Visual learning can help wonders. Then we would work on just writing the initial line. Once we mastered that, then we would work on the circle. Finally, we would put it all together. The second most important quality is rewards. The student needs to know that they are doing a good job and their hard work is worth something.

Specific Technology:
Tape Recorder: Students with mental retardation may need instructions repeated numerous times. This is a great way to record lectures, instructions, lessons, ect. The student can then go back to listen to them as needed.
Voice Recognition Software: This can help students that have difficulty typing to spelling.
Talking Calculators: Students may need help with understanding numbers or answers.
Video Telephony: This can be used for students that may have trouble with social development. It can get them talking and interacting as a first step.


Kauchak, D., & Eggen, P. (2008). Introduction to Teaching: Becoming a Professional. Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.

This book offers a general introduction into mental retardation. It briefly explains the definition and explanation of the exceptionality. The section introduces the keys to successfully teaching students with mental retardation.

Melton, J. (2008). Video Telephony. Search Unified Communications. Retrieved February 11, 2009 from /0,,sid186_gci772533,00.html.

I used this website as an explanation of video telephony. It provides explanations of how it works and what it can provide for exceptional students.

Sulkes, S.B. (2006). Mental Retardation/Intellectual Disability. Merck: Home Edition. Retrieved February 11, 2009 from

Merck provided an informational source of mental retardation. It provided very detailed information about the definition, causes, prevention, and symptoms. The site thoroughly explains the methods of assessing different levels of mental retardation and the level of support.

Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. (2006). Talking Calculators. Calculation Tools and Aids. Retrieved February 11, 2009 from mathproject/ch5-sec6.asp.

The website gave information about talking calculators. It offered ways it can be used for exceptional students and what the talking calculator can hurt. The school provided examples of how the talking calculator will help all kinds of students, not only exceptional.

University of Illinois. (2009). Resources for Working with Youth with Special Needs. Retrieved February 11, 2009 from /mental.html.

This website gave examples of how to teach students with mental retardation. It took a basic skill and showed how to break it down. The site offered basic information about the definition and causes, but the main objective was to offer help for educators

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Philosophy of Education

Educating exceptional students is multifaceted. There are so many different aspects in teaching exceptional students; it is hard to find the most important. In my opinion, the most important is determination. Both the teacher and the students need to be determined. It is the job of the teacher to provide that determination, because if the teacher doesn’t show it, neither will the student. I believe that teaching exceptional students is no harder or easier than teaching in a regular classroom; it just takes determination to find alternative methods to teaching.
The second most important aspect is collaboration. This can be between the special education teacher, regular classroom teacher, faculty, superintendents, parents, peers, ect. Everyone must be open and communicate effectively in order to provide the best possible learning environment. For example, if a student needs an IEP, everyone working with the students needs to have input. The parents will know different things than the teachers and vice versa. After the IEP is created, effective communication must be maintained in order to keep the student progressing.
I also feel that respect and acceptance are imperative in educating exceptional students. I completely agree with inclusion, as long as it does not hinder the students education. In order to include exceptional students into a regular classroom, the teachers and students must respect and accept them. To accept and respect the exceptional student, the regular classroom needs to understand and be knowledgeable about their qualities that make them unique.